First United Methodist Church Ministies
Our ministries are divided into the 5 areas. Below are the current ministry programs in which we are involved. If you would like to be part of any of these programs, please contact the church office for more details.
Passionate Worship – Christ Centered & People Oriented
Sunday Worship –
- Fellowship following the service.
Radical Hospitality
Controlling Community Violence
- Use of community room for 2x monthly meeting
- Woman’s group provides lunch for participants as a fundraiser
Jail Ministry –
- Free parking for Jail Chaplin
Hospitality Center
- St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
- Provide dinner on rotation with other churches to feed homeless or low income in city.
Methodist Minister Conference/In Gathering
- UMW and congregation provide individual kits for needy men, women and children for Pastor to take to conference.
Pokémon Group
Kiwanis Club
- Use of Community room for meetings.
Casa de Dios Services-Spanish Service
- Use of Church infrastructure for services/Bible Study/Vacation Bible school.
Extravagant Generosity
Hmong House of Milwaukee –
- Monetary donations from United Methodist Women
Habitat for Humanity
- Monetary donations
- Volunteers from our congregation
- Use of our community room for Christmas party.
Pastor’s fund for the needy
- Helps to fund the needs our Pastor encounters (rent, food, bus tokens, etc.)
North Side Food Pantry
- Food Donations
- Church volunteers to work at the pantry.
Bethany Apartments
- Welcome their youth to our youth groups/activities.
- McMynn Apartments (low income sections and others with needs.
- Donated turkeys for holidays
- Possible Bible Study at McMynn
- Painted and decorated bedroom for men
- Collected money for disposable diapers
Bag Lunch Program for the Hungry
- Making lunches on rotation with other churches
- Distribution center
NAMI: National Association of Mentally Ill
- Loose Change Offering
- Community use for Christmas Party
Intentional Faith Development
Sunday School Adult
Sunday School Children
Youth Ministry
Risk Taking Mission & Service
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Women
Jail Ministry